Do Interval Training To Reverse Aging: Stay Lean & Improve Energy Levels

Do Interval Training To Reverse Aging: Stay Lean & Improve Energy Levels

Ask anybody who regularly exercises and they will tell you that the biggest payoff is having more energy. New research shows why.

A study from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota compared three types of exercise:

Interval training in which volunteers exercised at an accelerated pace for 4 minutes followed by 3 minutes easy, repeated 4 times.

Strength training with free weights and machines

A combination of steady-state cardio and weight training.

Results showed that all groups improved overall fitness but the interval training group improved cells’ mitochondrial capacity.

You may remember from elementary biology that the mitochondria are proteins that make energy. In this study the interval group had an increase of 60% in the capacity of the mitochondria. Cells involved in protein synthesis, which is necessary for repairing injured tissue, also increased.

Together these benefits translate into a powerful anti-aging effect. Participants who performed interval training literally reversed the aging process. Other proven benefits of intervals include improved metabolism, better insulin sensitivity, and less body fat.

I bet you’re wondering, are intervals really appropriate for older people?

Yep—interval training has been tested on a vast range of populations including nursing home patients, the elderly, the obese and sedentary, kids, and people with high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.

The key is that interval training is relative to your fitness level. You need to adapt it to your needs.  If you are just starting to get in shape, start with something as simple as intervals in which you walk briskly for about 3 minutes and then take an easy pace for 3 minutes.

Shorter intervals work as well: Try a 1-minute effort followed by 1-minute easy pace.


Robinson, M., et al. Enhanced Protein Translation Underlies Improved Metabolic and Physical Adaptations to Different Exercise Training Modes in Young and Old Humans. Cell Metabolism. 2017. 25(3):581-592.