How Melatonin Can Slow Aging

How Melatonin Can Slow Aging

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant hormone with anti-aging, youth-promoting benefits.

Walk For 10 Minutes After Meals To Prevent Diabetes

Walk For 10 Minutes After Meals To Prevent Diabetes

Walking for 10 minutes after meals is a simple way to get more active and help prevent diabetes.

Get Powerful Longevity Benefits From Coffee

Get Powerful Longevity Benefits From Coffee

Coffee is one of the most powerful longevity foods, protecting against diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

How Exercise Keeps Your Brain Young

How Exercise Keeps Your Brain Young

Exercise has a protective effect on the brain, slowing the aging process and boosting cognition in older folks.

The Wonderful Health Benefits of Chocolate

The Wonderful Health Benefits of Chocolate

Good news: Chocolate consumption is associated with lower risk of heart disease, skin cancer, and diabetes. It’s also linked to improved brain function in older people.

Consider Alternate Day Fasting For Weight Loss & Lower Disease Risk

Consider Alternate Day Fasting For Weight Loss & Lower Disease Risk

Dietitians love to tell this joke about fasting: It may or may uot extend your life, but it will certainly make your life feel longer. It is true that exerting some restraint around food can be challenging at first, especially if we are in the 

Protect Health & Delay Aging With Five Delicious Spices

Protect Health & Delay Aging With Five Delicious Spices

Walk into an Indian restaurant and the aroma of delicious spices is irresistible. Your mouth starts watering as memories of flavorful dishes flood your brain. Often, Western food is incredibly bland in comparison to traditional ethnic dishes, mainly due to a lack of spices. What’s 

Try A Low-Carb Diet For Powerful Anti-Aging Benefits

Try A Low-Carb Diet For Powerful Anti-Aging Benefits

Low-carb diets are most popular for their weight loss benefits. A lesser known but possibly more important benefit of low-carb nutrition is how it can slow the aging process and keep you young and active. It all has to do with how carbohydrate restriction can 

Train The Overhead Press For Better Mobility & Bone Strength

Train The Overhead Press For Better Mobility & Bone Strength

One of the most important but overlooked exercises is the overhead press. Being able to perform overhead motions such as putting away groceries on high shelves or trimming trees in your backyard are necessary tasks. As important as overhead motions are, we rarely do them 

Increase Longevity With A Positive Mental Outlook

Increase Longevity With A Positive Mental Outlook

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, we tend to focus on diet and exercise practices that have a longevity effect. Just as important: Having a positive mental outlook. Studies consistently show that how you view the world matters. People who report